Sunday, July 25, 2010

Shirley Sherrod V. Andrew Breitbart

Last week proved to be one of the most emotional , racially charged and polarizing weeks in quite some time. It was Shirley Sherrod, the USDA official in Georgia vs. Andrew Breitbart vs. NAACP vs. Fox News vs. Obama vs. the white community vs. the black community. posted a video excerpt from Sherrod's speech at an NAACP banquet, an excerpt that appeared to reveal Shirley Sherrod as a practicing racist. In reality, when seen in context, it was a story of personal transformation.

However, this whole debacle was a result of one thing:

A wordy speech filled with conflicting thoughts that can be interpreted different ways depending on how deep into it one chooses to read.
This can be seen from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsac's ever changing responses. Consider the Timeline:

Day 1
Vilsac discovers a portion in Sherrod's speech where she states concerning a white farmer who came to her for help ,"So, I didn't give him the full force of what I could do."
Vilsac accepts her resignation stating a zero-tolerance policy for that sort of thing.

Day 2
Vilsac discovers a line exonerating her in the speech that says ,"Well, working with him made me see that it's really about those who have versus those who don't, you know."....He offers her job back.
Day 3
Vilsac uncovers audio where she says under her breath," ...but I will always hate these white crackers..."........He fires her.
Day 4
Vilsac finds that upon further investigation into the audio she really said ..." but I will always EAT these Ritz crackers..." ...He offers her job back.
Day 5
Vilsac discovers that Sherrod has a rare condition called racial dyslexia and that when she said "working with him made me see that it's really about those who have versus those who don't, you know." '.....She really meant to say "working with him made me see that it's really about those who are white versus those who are black, you know." ......He fires her.
Day 6
Vilsac discovers that the entire setting of the event was a celebrity roast and that everything said was one huge jokey joke, and that her speech was actually written by Don Rickles..... He offers her job back.


At this point in time Shirley Sherrod has her Job, but there are still portions of the speech that when played backwards may reveal her true position on race relations

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